How to Meditate

How to Meditate

Before we go into the various techniques, take note of this: No technique will ever take you to liberation. You have to let go of the technique and merge with the Self at the right time. I usually tell my…
 Kriyā Prānāyāma

Kriyā Prānāyāma

This technique is one of the essential techniques of Babaji’s/Yogananda’s Kriyā Yoga as I have been informed by a few who were initiated into Yogananda’s Kriyā Yoga. I was initiated into Kriyā Prānāyāma in 2015 during sleep by a sadhu…
 Benefits of Shaktipat

Benefits of Shaktipat

Shaktipat is a very sacred and very rare initiation. Shaktipāt means a transference of Shakti (the spiritual energy of the Self) from the master to the student with the aim of awakening the otherwise dormant kundalini in the student, so…
 Handbook of Psychological Astrology

Handbook of Psychological Astrology

Handbook of Psychological Astrology Handbook of Psychological Astrology is an extensive guide to modern psychological astrology, offering a systematic interpretation of planets, signs, houses, and aspect patterns. It includes strategies for comparing horoscopes and interpreting their influences, using examples such…